Monday, November 24, 2008

Hear's A Song: Generate My MIDI

MIDI Generators

Generate My Midi : Ooh Ahh

Generate My MIDI is our first song posting under the resurgent Ooh Ahh brand name, and it reminds me of an anecdote, which you will read now:

I remember being at a modern art museum one evening and watching some new age music-video-computer-digital-art guys do their thing. These guys had hipply put together this big long set of digital music and danced in front of a video screen full of animations. The animations and music depicted an adventure these two dudes were having in some sort of crazy modern art universe. These guys are awesome but they are complete nerds I said to my friend who, like me, was also wearing the recommended 3D glasses. She seemed appalled. Those dudes can't be nerds. They make music and people at art museums pay to see it! They can't be nerds!

Tacos or Modern Art?

They were nerds. Those dudes wielded one of the nerdiest powers of all: the ability to control MIDI.

For those of you who have never felt a deep connection with a Yamaha, MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Complete oversimplification: its the "language" that computers use to transmit rhythmic and tonal data which is then transformed into music. Yes, its completely geeky, but only those who understand MIDI's might can make jamz. Timbaland is a nerd. Kanye is a nerd. Pharrell is a nerd and is actually in a band called N.E.R.D. They are the dweeb-lords that make partying college kids bump'n'grind in packed living rooms. They are your overlords, and you gladly submit to their sexy, slow jam demands.

Meanwhile, we've made a song that addresses the power of beats and MIDI. The lyrics in Generate My MIDI are slightly cryptic and kind of meaningful although the message probably seems much more clever in our heads. Everything does really. Come to think of it, "Help! I'm trapped in a Computer!" is probably much more clever in our heads, but not by much.

Stay tuned.