Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hear's A Song: Christmastimez 4 Loverz

Christmastimez 4 Loverz : Ooh Ahh

Christmastimez 4 Loverz is a new holiday classic written for the Secular Christmas Holiday. This song is a remake, some might say a better-make, of an older song by Brett that has been restored, reworked and beautified. It reminds me of an anecdote which you will read now:

Monday morning, just before showering, I got a telephone call from Captain Dave Shereda. He promptly asked what I was doing. After I explained that my plans were to take a shower and eat breakfast-lunch, or "brunch" as I have been known to call it, he told me to forget that. Turns out his 11 foot Christmas tree, complete with hundreds of ornaments, had crashed down onto a glass table during the night. The tree was laying in the living room amongst thousands of pieces of crushed ornament shards.

Sometimes the holidays can be that way. One disaster after another crashing down and causing an overflow of extra work (decorating, buying presents, reseated a downed christmas tree, shoveling snow, etc.) and for a few moments, that whole dreydll and menorah thing sounds like a better fit.

This Ooh Ahh Christmas song reminds us why we do it, why we even bother with Christmas at all. All of the cliches are mentioned (mistletoe, chestnuts, stockings) and hopefully, like other yule tide songs, it'll make you feel woefully lonely if you don't have a significant other.

so without further ado, Ooh Ahh to all, and to all a good song.